About KnowHow

Are you new in Sweden and want to understand the art scene better? Are you looking for new collaborations and commissions?

Konstnärscentrum's project KnowHow is aimed at professional artists who want to establish themselves more clearly on the art scene and in the art field in Sweden. The purpose of KnowHow is to get to the art field’s clients and to create new networks and exchanges of experience. The project is therefore open to all professional artists, regardless of how established you are on the Swedish art scene.

The project offers activities such as artist meetings, site visits, short courses and online lectures. There will also be an opportunity to respond to an open call for artistic collaborations financed by the project.

KnowHow is run by Konstnärscentrum öst and financed by Arbetsförmedlingen to support establishment for newly arrived artists on the labor market.

The project is carried out in collaboration with Konsten att delta (The art of participation) https://konstenattdelta.se/.